Odd number

Vi hade en tjej här idag som visade upp sin dokumentär film hon spelat in i sydafrika som krestar kring gäng, droger osv. Av filmen fick man en riktig inblick i hur de kan vara, och den är helt klart värd att se.
On the outside, you grow up with gangs. You end up joining a gang. You are good with a gun and become an assassin. They give you a target. You are betrayed, and they find you. You are shot twelve times, survive and end up in the dreaded Pollsmoor Prison.
Now, on the inside, you are fighting for survival.
Odd Number is a story of redemption set in South Africa's Cape Flats, a low lying area south west of Cape Town, a human dumping ground for Apartheid era's forced removals of 'black' and 'coloured' people from 1948 to 1993. During this time, hundreds of labelled 'non-whites' were forced from their homes into undeveloped, dusty pieces of land. With little or no education, and no existing infrastructure or local economy, these areas withered. For years the Cape Flats have been ravaged by gang violence, drugs and crime, as some of South Africa's poorest do what it takes to survive.
Rashaad is the man in the midst of it all, trying to make sense and dying to make the right decision.


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